H1961 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


01961hayah {haw-yaw} 字根型[与01933比较];TWOT-491;动词 AV-was,come to pass,came,has been,were happened,become, pertained,better for thee;75


01961hayah {haw-yaw} a primitive root [compare 01933];TWOT-491;v AV-was,come to pass,came,has been,were happened,become, pertained,better for thee;75

1)to be,become,come to pass,exist,happen,fall out
--1a1a)to happen,fall out,occur,take place,come about, come to pass
--1a1b)to come about,come to pass
--1a2)to come into being,become
--1a2a)to arise,appear,come
--1a2b)to become
-1a2b1)to become
-1a2b2)to become like
-1a2b3)to be instituted,be established
--1a3)to be
--1a3a)to exist,be in existence
--1a3b)to abide,remain,continue (with word of place or time)
--1a3c)to stand,lie,be in,be at,be situated (with word of locality)
--1a3d)to accompany,be with
--1b1)to occur,come to pass,be done,be brought about
--1b2)to be done,be finished,be gone